It's really hard trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do in tough times. I know everyone goes through these times, and I know that most everyone finds their way out. I've been trying to understand why my life is so different from the rest of the crowd's. It's like I'm in a boat with two rows that won't coordinate with one another and therefore I can't go anywhere but in a circle. This never ending circle that I'm in right now is getting bigger with each revolution. How do I tell someone that I feel offended by her actions? . I do understand what she is going through, but at the same time, I made it a point to not offend anyone. Wow, what to do, what to do?? I know it would probably be best for us all if I go, but I don't want to be alone. All of this comes back to the topic of my husband hating my best friend. Had it not been for this hatred, none of this would have happened. See? Like I said, I giant crcle that gets bigger and bigger. Hopefully things won't get heavy and cause the cirle to warp. Then I'll be stuck revolving on an oval, and that means that it takes longer for things to turn around. Woe is me. Help.
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